Friday evening:
I flooded the house. Before shabbat dinner I went to shower. I was in the bathroom, showering (duh) when Phillipe knocked on the door and asked if everything was allright. I hadn't noticed the water had been spraying outside the shower curtain onto the floor. It had soaked the bathroom and made it's way under the door, into the hall, almost to the kitchen. I was so embarrassed. I cleaned up in the bathroom while everyone else cleaned up the rest of the house. Ah I felt so bad. I wanted to cry but I didn't, yet. We all sat down for dinner and during Kiddush I started crying. 'Cause, you know, I'm crazy and stuff. Everyone said it was fine and don't cry and after a while we just ended up laughing about it. So we just kept making jokes about me flooding the house the rest of the weekend. I didn't mind at all, it made me feel less embarrassed and awful.
Visited with Phillipe's daughter and her husband and baby in Gilo. We hung out for a while and I ate some elephant ear cookies. Stephan and Ella came with their kids and Laura. We went home and ate and hung out. Jenene and Laura were going shopping in Talpyiot so she gave me a ride to Har Choma and I got the 74 to the bus station. I got on a bus pretty quickly to Tel Aviv, it should have taken about an hour to get there. It took just under 2 hours. And it was crowded. At least I got a seat. When I got to Tel Aviv it was already pretty late, past 10, and I knew it was going to take about another hour to get to Bat Yam. I didn't want to walk home alone so I called Ale and asked her and Katie to meet met at the bus stop. But, then I saw Cara on the 46 so we just walked together. We were pretty lazy so we took the 46 to the Ulpan and then took the 18 to get us closer to our apartments. When I got home Ale, Orly, and Katie were about to go to the beach for ice cream. I went with. We picked up Robyn on the way and managed to lose Katie. We never actually made it to the beach, just got ice cream and then wanted to go home. Robyn didn't want to walk so she offered to pay for a cab. Yay for laziness :). Katie was home when we got back so we hung out for a while and then went to bed.
There was Shevet Siyyur to the refugee neighborhoods by the bus station. We learned about the African regugees in Israel, how they live and what's been done to help them. After we rushed home so we could have time to eat and then get to Zman madrich and class. We were late and Ami was disappointed :(. Class was uneventful. Spoke with my mom. Valentine's Day dinner with Katie and Shira. I made sweet potato fries :). We made banana bread and tried to watch movies but didn't really have the attention spans for it.
Volunteering with Ale. It was so ridiculously hot outside. Went to aroma afterwards for ice coffee, yum. Went to the beach with Orly. We had a meeting there after anyways so it seemed like a pretty good idea. Hung out and talked. Then Zman Madrich on the beach with Ami and a bunch of kids from his apartments. They threw each other into the water. I stayed away 'cause I'm not such a good sport with those things. I.e., I would cry if they threw me in. Ami brought some cookies and cake and stuff. Everybody wanted to go get ready for something happening in Jerusalem last night so we went home so we wouldn't be alone at the beach. We as in Ale and I. Anyways. Didn't do much that night, watched some Glee and went to bed.
Hike! The night before was a big party in Jerusalem so only half the kids showed up. We had two buses but really only needed one. We went somewhere near Beit Shemesh and went repelling. But it was more like...being attached to a rope and going down a cave but not touching the walls. The first two seconds were really scary but then it was fine and almost boring. It was really pretty though. They gave us shoko besakit and bread and chocolate spread. Afterwards we went on the actual hike part. It was very hot but not too hard. We got to these underground passage things and went in them. We went through one tunnel with 0 light and almost no room at all, pretty scary. I didn't have a flashlight, of course I missed that part of the message. But people in front of me and behind me did. We went home after. Ended up watching Glee I think.
Took a mental health day and went to the beach with Katie and Ale. Ami called me and I told him I didn't go to volunteering. I think he understood and didn't really mind. Went home, showered, went to class. Got home early and instead of doing something productive, watched Glee for hours. I really like that show. Robyn came over. Got up to the 12th episode but I couldn't stay awake anymore and went to bed.
Went to volunteering with Ale. Had our last Lunch and Learn. It was just me, Katie, Julia, and Joe. I went with Ami to buy the food. We had an "emergency meeting" afterwards with the whole section where they yelled at us for not showing up to hike and told us what's up or Purim and the rest of the time we are in Bat Yam. Had Ulpan afterwards. Our final is next week. Went home and started to get ready for Haifa and the weekend. Shira made dinner for us, it was really good. Orly brought some of her friends from home over. Ale and I finished getting ready and went to meet the coach going to Haifa. Spoke to my mom for a bit. We went to a place called UltraSound. I find the name hilarious. It was really nice and we had a good time. Went home pretty late and went to sleep.
Got up at 8:50 and got all my stuff together for the weekend. Went to take the 405 to Jerusalem from Bat Yam. Kai was also going on that bus. Got to Jerusalem and took the 74 to Har Choma. Got a ride from a bus with special needs kids. Bad idea. I got my hair pulled and wanted to cry but didn't want to be rude. Got to Jenene's house, yay. Attempted to help clean for shabbat but ended up falling asleep. Had amazing dinner- couscous. Honestly ate more than I thought was physically possible. I say this a lot but I really truly mean it. Went to sleep before 11.
Even though I went to bed earlyish I still didn't wake up until just about noon. Laziness. Hung out with the fam, ate a bunch more. Didn't flood the house this time! Decided to stay Saturday night since we had nothing going on Sunday until 1:30. Wonderful weekend<3
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