Got up at 10:30 and got packed for Shevet weekend to Mevo Modin. Went to the bus ten minutes early 'cause of some confusion about times. Waited with Katie, Rachel, Orly, Jessica, Julia and Ami for a bit. Then most people turned up and we got on the bus. We were about to leave when Ami asked how many of us brought sleeping bags. 0. So we all had to go get sleeping bags from our apartments. I had borrowed one from Ale's aunt earlier on in the year and now I finally got to use it. We got out stuff together again and left. It was a short drive and when we got there this (the?) rabbi showed us around and pointed Katie, Rachel, Orly, Nikki, Nicola, Julia, Cara, Jessica and myself to the caravan outside their house where would be sleeping. The rest of the girls and guys slept inside the house. We got ready for shabbat and then saw some pretty nature-ey things and he talked about meditation and then we went to shul. Shul was interesting, it's a really pretty place. A cat came in and hung out on the women's side. I later found out that the moshav believes the cat is a reincarnated past member. Ok. We ate dinner afterwards. As usual, my shabbat stomach kicked in and I ate a ridiculous amount of food. It was awesome. Afterwards I went with Orly to hang out with some moshav people, her boyfriend's aunt lives there so she knew a bunch of people. Eventually went to bed, built a nest on the floor with Orly.

Didn't get ready in time for shul in the morning, so Orly and I got ready and went straight to the Rabbi's house. Helped set up for lunch and then ate. I went with her to Adam's aunt's house after and ate incredible cookies. After that we found a bunch of our friends playing soccer, or football, depending on where you're from. We watched for a bit and then went on a walk with some people to this park near the moshav. It's a Holocaust memorial area, yet also a park area. I thought that was weird. We went back and ate some more and then Orly, Nikki, and I took a nap. We got up for havdalah which was really nice and pretty. Packed and left.
Had zman madrich, got our schedules pretty much. Ami said he was going to come for our apartment meeting directly after. So we ran home to clean up the place, not that it was so bad but just to tidy up. We waited a while and he ended up not coming then so then we had to rush to get some food together before class. Had class and then went home for a little while and had our apartment meeting before I had to go back to the Ulpan with Katie for an interview..We were picked by our madrichim to be interviewed by Masa for a leadership seminar. So it was about ten of us, all girls for some reason, who got interviewed. The guy interviewing was really nice, he was from Miami and asked me if I knew about different cuban places and I had no idea what he was talking about...I don't think I'll get a spot because of my lack of leadership experience and all that but we had a really nice conversation and I'm pretty sure I made a good impression. I don't actually know if I want a spot truthfully I'm not sure. Went home and watched The Time Traveler's Wife with Katie and Shira. One of the better mushy woman movies I've seen lately.
Went into volunteering by myself, it was rainy and cold. I asked what I could do if the rain got too strong for dog walking and they told me I can always shred papers. I only took out one dog out a time just 'cause that's what I had the energy for so I only got 6 dogs out...Right when I was going to leave the sky cleared up and maybe I should have stayed longer but I was wiped out. Went home, I was still freezing even though it was sunny by then, and showered/aka defrosted myself. Took a nap and then went to Ulpan. My teacher didn't show up so we watched a movie. Bikur Ha-Tizmoret. I felt like it was Israel's take on Little Miss Sunshine. It was about an Egyptian police force band trying to get to Petach Tikva but ending up in Beit Hatikvah and meeting up with the people there. It was slow but I thought it was really cool. Other members of the class disagreed. But you all should see it if you haven't. A bunch of people were going to Mike's Place in Tel Aviv that night but I didn't want to.. So I stayed home and played with the hair straightener, so now I have straightened hair for the first time since like..junior year I think. It's pretty. I started reading The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy and then went to sleep.
Had a Shevet siyyur to the Tel Aviv garbage dump and recycling facility. It was actually really cool. Saw mass amounts of trash and then some incredible things that people can do with garbage. I took some pictures that I will attempt to put up here. Katie had to see an eye doctor so I was going to go with her to help her find the place, since although I have no sense of direction I do have a pretty good sense of Hebrew. So we were supposed to be going on a siyyur after to the Comics Museum in Tel Aviv but we needed to go back to our apartment to get her insurance card and knew we wouldn't have time to go. So we went to the siyyur in Holon to the Samaritans instead, thinking Holon is pretty close to Bat Yam so we'll have no trouble getting back. Wrong. Anyway we learned about the Samaritans in Holon. They're like Jews, but only follow the written original bible. Katie and I were trying to find a Dan bus that went home but all that people knew about was Egged. After getting pointed in the wrong direction a few times we found the 1 and took that to get to where we could take the 43 to Bat Yam. We got to our apartment and called the doctor, telling them we were going to be a half hour later probably and they said that the office would be closed then. Sucks. So we decided to just go to to Tel Aviv to get Max Brenner. We went and it was super nice. We got a dessert to share that came with a banana chocolate toffee waffle (ohmygoodness it was amazing), meringues, a chocolate milky thing with whipped cream and other yummyness in it, ice cream with hardened chocolate on it, an intense piece of concentrated chocolate cake like stuff, and of course, chocolate fondue with a bunch of delicious things to dip. And the whole mess had melted milk chocolate all over the place. Wow. Really. It was so great. It was so much fun. I'm glad we went. We walked outside and saw the 19 stopped at a light right next to us, so we ran 4 blocks and somehow miraculously made it. We got off at the Ulpan to go to the scout's Singing and Soda night. They were doing different competitions, like they would say a word and the teams had to think of a song with that word and stuff like that. It was silly and fun. After Katie, Orly, and I hung out with a bunch of people.
Woke up not feeling well. Decided to be a bum and stay home. Now I actually feel pretty sick. I'm hoping it goes away by tomorrow 'cause I don't want to miss volunteering again. I had lunch with Shira and Adi, sorta. Had class. First class was okay but second class my head started to hurt pretty badly. Went home took advil and took a nap. Woke up and no one is here. Skyped with Ben for a while. This weekend, starting tomorrow night, is a sofim weekend. We leave right after Ulpan. I'm excited. :)
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